creative direction / design / animation / dev partnership

Every year, Grindr compiles anonymous aggregated data from its global user base and surveys its community on an array of pop culture topics and trends. It is then compiled into an in-app experice for users to explore.

Interactive in-app experience

Loading animation.

Marketing campaign in-app

To promote the release of Unwrapped, an in-app experience was developed leading up to and after it’s release. Premium features were given out to users who interacted with the Unwrapped announcement. Unwrapped’s release was sandwich between the promotions to unlock the premium features for free.

24hrs of Viewed Me

24hrs of Global Explore

24hrs of Advanced Filters

24hrs of Viewed Me

3 creative directions were explored for Unwrapped 2021: Gay Zine, Vaporwave, Swiss Type

initial creative directionexploration


Morningstar B2B Design System


Design @ DDB